Hi, I got my softener running with a brine fill of 10lbs per cft.
At the current low consumption, I expect the softener to repeatedly reach the 10 day override before the capacity is used up. The unit is configured for post-fill, so the brine will stand in the tank for 10 days. Should I reconfigure for pre-fill, is there a positive effect concerning hygiene!
When I use pre-fill, what happens during the service period when the brine forms, is the bypass active or does the unit deliver softened water?
At the current low consumption, I expect the softener to repeatedly reach the 10 day override before the capacity is used up. The unit is configured for post-fill, so the brine will stand in the tank for 10 days. Should I reconfigure for pre-fill, is there a positive effect concerning hygiene!
When I use pre-fill, what happens during the service period when the brine forms, is the bypass active or does the unit deliver softened water?