Hi I bought the Ecosmart US Smart POOL 18 Electric Pool Heater and is has beeing a pain ... they say any electrician understand the installation manual, but is far from beeing true, the manual is terrible, 3 pictures showing some conections and few instructions is not enogh.
What every body should know is: You need to verify too many little details for this to work properly, and expend a lot of mony to do that, maybe the heater they sell to heat the house water is not that complex but this is complex.
The customer service is null, so bad that they never anwer. I had to post bad review in their facebook account to get their atention, they didnt say this but, the pool heater needs so much electricity so is everything else but economic or smart, "ecosmart heater" JA,
They should tell people you need to power this heater using a direct line form your electric provider, because it can not be sharing your home conections, the power this thing require is so much that use 18kw hour to raise a couple of grades in temperature, also if your installation is far from your pool a #8 cable is not suficient and to make it worst the cable distance make the cable heat so much that burn the plastic so you need #6 or even #4 cable and also a very expensive termomagnetic breakers to suport the heat, this ecosmart heater is nothing more than a resistance inside a metal box that heat water is the same if you put to large spiral metals in your pool making a Electric Resistance Heaters, so be carefull.
They charge that amount of money for this terrible product with the worst customer service, and then you have to expend the same amount in a propper installation.
DO NOT BUY THE "Ecosmart US Smart POOL 18 Electric Pool Heater" SUCKS