water pipe

  1. Chuck Shaughnessy

    Preferred piping for direct-bury water line to Greenhouse

    I will be running a water line from an existing line at a frost-free hydrant to a new greenhouse. There are SO MANY new options for type of piping - PVC, flexible PVC, PE, PEX ... and on and on. Can someone recommend thoughts on best piping to use for this? Probably 3/4 inch but perhaps 1...
  2. JPelks

    Well pump to pressure tank pipe extension.. HELP

    Hi guys, first time poster, long time observer/learner. Bought my first home, gutted the basement and now I’m redoing the plumbing.. it was a mess! Question: I have a 1” galvanized pipe coming in from the submersible well pump... I need to extend the pipe 8 feet to where my new pressure tank...
  3. amy123

    Cold water pipe making ticking sound?

    My COLD water pipe is making frequent ticking sounds even when I do not have cold water running. Any ideas on what could be the issue?
  4. Berniebee

    Need help identifying old pipe underground

    Hi, I need help identifying an old underground pipe and how to know if it is still active/live. Also, the pipes on wall that are in like a loop? Or who I could call to come out to take a look at them? The underground pipe is in the way of the new dwv lines I'm installing and I'd like to remove...
  5. Kamren

    Sucking/slurping noise from hot water pipes

    Hey guys! I've been working on my hot water on my own for a bit now and could really use some opinions moving forward. I had my hot water line bust not too far from the hot water tank and I discovered the old galvanized pipes to be VERY corroded and obstructing flow likely causing pressure...
  6. Liang

    Thump, Thump sound from the water pipe

    Recently there is strange vibrating sound from the basement when I use washing machine, or (some) toilets, or showers. I recorded the sound and created a Youtube link (hopefully you could play it!). It seems the sound is from segment where the city water line to the main shutoff valve and PRV...
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