toto mh

  1. Graystone

    Toto's new wall hung toilets: AP, MH, RP, EP - Feedback and Reviews

    I am looking at wall hung toilet options and have seen the Aquia get a lot of praise and reviews online. Toto has newer wall hung models, all now at 1.28 GPF vs the 1.6 GPF of the Aquia (and Maris). I have found very little (actually, no) detailed reviews online that compare them to the Aquia in...
  2. BigNate72

    Toto MH wall hung

    So, I am starting a overhaul of my bathrooms. I have been eyeing the Toto Aquia wall hung due to space saving. Reading forums the Maris is not necessarily "male" friendly because of the curve of the bowl. They do have a 3rd option, the MH wall hung. Can't find any hard reviews on it and not...
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