
  1. FifthLabour

    Powervent water heater combustion issues

    Last year our 7 y/o Brad-Wht WH died (leaking) As the heater it replaced was working fine at age 45 yrs, I asked for a different brand. A Rheem NG Powervent (low NOx) was installed. The next morning we had cold showers. Over the last year the Honeywell control box has been replaced three times...
  2. cdogstu99

    Two Year Old Ruud Pipe Coupling Disconnected

    So I had a new 50 gallon ruud installed about two years ago. Wife came home to find water spraying all over the basement, flooding it about an inch or so. The top coupling from the Ruud unit had separated from the water pipe. (Not sure if I’m using correct terminology. But bare with me)...
  3. cleavet

    Rheem vs. Ruud?

    Hi everyone, Are there differences between Rheem- and Ruud-branded water heaters? It looks like the product lines are identical (except for the nameplate). I know they're the same company, but is one brand a premium line, and the other lower-end? I'm looking to replace my old electric tank...
  4. mekanikman_402

    Ruud Silhouette 2 blower and inducer wont shut off unless power is killed

    New member here. I have an old Ruud Silhouette 2 75,000 BTU 80% upflow gas furnace from 1995, and ever since yesterday the blower motor and inducer stay on after every heat cycle unless I turn the power off to the furnace and wait about 15 mins to turn it back on. If I turn the power back on any...
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