
  1. P

    Moen Positemp Issues Again!!

    I have two Moen Positemp showers in my house. Both were installed about five years ago. After less than a year, the temperature is impossible to adjust. It's either blazing hot or ice cold. I've had to replace the cartridges five times in one shower. I bought a 1222HD with the brass body hoping...
  2. Whitall

    Another Moen retaining clip thread!

    Hoping a new post brings fresh ideas. I have a 25 year old Moen positemp bathtub /shower faucet. It's been dripping for years so I finally decided to tackle it. I had waited because there's no shut off valve and I was afraid to shut off the whole house in case I screwed it up. Got my cartridge...
  3. Terry

    Installing new Mediterranean Bronze trim for Moen Posi-Temp

    Installing new Mediterranean Bronze trim for Moen Posi-Temp to replace the old chrome fixtures. The first thing I did was to remove the old chrome trim and toss it out the window. Hit a dog running by and it yelped, so then someone poked their head in and asked what's up? Nothin! I'm just...
Hey, wait a minute.

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