earth ground

  1. DTAZ

    Grounding a Security System Control Panel

    Any suggestions for grounding a security system panel? The installation manual for the system I am working on specifies an earth ground with no less than #14 wire. To reach the ground rods for the house will require a 30 foot run of copper line. They also suggest grounding to water pipes but my...
  2. CubGirl

    Installer cut off SER ground wire

    Hi everybody... I replaced two 2-2-2-4 SER with 2/0-2/0-2/0-4 & 1/0-1/0-1/0-4 to get 125A in each unit for a two-family. The upstairs SER was de-rated for attic heat & length. I have a 2 gang Siemens WP2211RJ gang meter and a 200A panel (P4040B1200CU) back fed with a 125A breaker and a 125A lug...
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