Recent content by Edmonton_david

  1. Edmonton_david

    Wye & 1/8 bend or Combo installed in a vertical position.

    Hello friends, from what I have learned thru researching on the internet. it suggested the Wye are not to be use in a vertical position to make transition from horizontal to vertical (fixture outlet to waste stack). How does Pic 3 below PASS inspection? I am located in Edmonton Alberta...
  2. Edmonton_david

    Canadian Plumbing question ( indirect drain & new garage sink)

    Hello Wrenched, wrench said st is what type of freezer is this? Is this a commercial establishment? the Freezer is a normal residential stand up frost free freezer. It located on my main floor of my home. Wrenched said: floor drains are not usually required for residential food storage...
  3. Edmonton_david

    Calling out experience Plumber for advice ( Floor drain and New drain in the garage)

    can someone please comment on this Thread posted since July 19 with no luck.
  4. Edmonton_david

    Canadian Plumbing question ( indirect drain & new garage sink)

    Hello friends, 1st of all, I have learned many great tips from this forum. I am new to plumbing, however not new to DIY or construction. please refer to sketch below for the existing plumbing. Long story as to why the builder came back to fix deficiency and provide a 1.5" floor drain ( no...
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