Well water not pumping water

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I live in south florida and i am having issues with my sprinklers for past 4 months and my water pump not pumping water at all, so i have replaced my water pump with a new one and i checked for leaks and there are no leaks either, so i start digging the line and i found the water well and it took me literally 4 days to open the cap of that well and once opened i can see water around 15 feet deep and i connected my new pump near the pump and i did test run to see if i can pull the water but no luck, i have attached the images here and you can see in one of the images water in the well, i thought there will be another pipe inside the cast iron pipe but i dont see anything, so question is what should i do in this case to be able to water pumping from the well again?

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-07 at 7.03.10 AM (2).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-07 at 7.03.10 AM (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-07 at 7.03.10 AM.jpeg


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Never mind guys infact the issue was priming, when i connected the water hose on spigot and fill the water in the suction line and turn on the water pump and then open the sprinkler line to release air and after doing for couple of times the water started flowing as normal but found some leaks inside the pipe which i need to fix them


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Hackensack, NJ, 07601

It sounds like you've encountered quite a challenge with your sprinkler system and water pump.

From your description, it appears that you've already taken some proactive steps, including replacing the water pump and ensuring there are no leaks in the system. Additionally, you've successfully located the water well and confirmed the presence of water around 15 feet deep.

Based on the information provided and the images you've attached, a few possibilities come to mind:

  1. Check Pump Placement: You mentioned connecting your new pump near the well. It's crucial to ensure that the pump is correctly positioned and primed for optimal water extraction. Double-check the pump's manual for any specific installation instructions.
  2. Inspect Well Infrastructure: Since you didn't find any additional pipes inside the cast iron pipe, it's essential to inspect the well infrastructure thoroughly. Look for any obstructions or blockages that could be impeding the flow of water. Also, check the well's casing for any signs of damage or deterioration.
  3. Evaluate Pump Capacity: Confirm that the new pump's capacity aligns with the water demands of your sprinkler system and the well's output. If the pump is undersized or overwhelmed, it may struggle to draw water effectively.
  4. Consider Professional Assistance: If you've exhausted all troubleshooting steps and are still unable to resolve the issue, it might be time to enlist the help of professionals. Companies like Callaghan Pump specialize in water system solutions and can provide expert guidance and assistance tailored to your specific situation.
In conclusion, troubleshooting water pump and sprinkler system issues can be complex, but with patience and thoroughness, we can often identify and resolve the underlying issues. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance or clarification. We're here to help!