I am looking to replace some old copper drain with PVC.
Current setup is annotated in picture. 3in copper from toilet runs into brass T and down through vertical stack. The other arm goes to an elbow that connects to 3in vent that goes up through the roof. [The partition wall in the second floor bathroom which contains the vent is not directly above the wall in the first floor bathroom which contains the drain stack, which is the reason it was done like this.]
Would current code allow this setup to be replicated with PVC, using a san-T or TY?
I'm in NY and we use ICC. I've read through Ch. 7 (sanitary drainage) several times, and unless I overlooked it, I didn't notice anything that would prohibit this setup.
Current setup is annotated in picture. 3in copper from toilet runs into brass T and down through vertical stack. The other arm goes to an elbow that connects to 3in vent that goes up through the roof. [The partition wall in the second floor bathroom which contains the vent is not directly above the wall in the first floor bathroom which contains the drain stack, which is the reason it was done like this.]
Would current code allow this setup to be replicated with PVC, using a san-T or TY?
I'm in NY and we use ICC. I've read through Ch. 7 (sanitary drainage) several times, and unless I overlooked it, I didn't notice anything that would prohibit this setup.