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I have a closed loop radiant floor heating system with it being attached to my Hot water demand system. The issue I have is that the floor heating keeps pressuring up and blowing out from the over pressure valve. They glycol keeps releasing into a bucket I placed and have about a inch in the bucket now after a month of the floor being placed on. I am not sure why the system keeps pressuring up. I have the system only in the basement so not going up any hills. Its a large system with a a seven zone manifold. The out going pressure is 20 psi and the incoming pressure is about 25psi with the tank set around 21psi. I am not sure if these pressures are good, or bad. The system works this way. If someone is having a shower the hot water demand shuts down the floor and goes to the shower, when it is finished it goes back to heating the floor. I am not sure if the glycol is low or has air pockets. Not exactly sure what is causing this over pressure to release. I am sure its because of the flipping from summer to winter mode, as in the summer I shut down the floor heat, but as soon as I increase the heat that is when I notice the over pressuring. Is this normal? If so at what point do you need to refill the lines as I have noticed that I have to crank the heat up more each year to get the floors to heat better. Thinking the glycol isn't running through it or lack of it.
Any advice would be appreciated, what to look at or try here would be much appreciated. the system is about twelve years old now, and the guy that built the system is no longer around to help or advise. thanks Scott
Any advice would be appreciated, what to look at or try here would be much appreciated. the system is about twelve years old now, and the guy that built the system is no longer around to help or advise. thanks Scott