New construction, residential, plumber comes next week. Need whole house filter and softener, city water hardness 8 gpg.
TDS 250/350 (hot/cold)
pH 6.8
City uses chloramine with periodic chlorine flush.
House: 1” water main, instant hot water heater with recirculation reserve tank. 6 baths.
Which Fleck valve?
Have been offered 5600 but it has 3/4” porting, seems not wise to lose the benefit of 1” main pressure and flow.
SXT or XT controller?
What about controller and valve for filter?
Also, can anyone explain please why the two column 9100 is more efficient? Seems it would reduce flow and increase salt use
Any one know local experts who can sell and install...? Contractor’s plumber has never done this.
TDS 250/350 (hot/cold)
pH 6.8
City uses chloramine with periodic chlorine flush.
House: 1” water main, instant hot water heater with recirculation reserve tank. 6 baths.
Which Fleck valve?
Have been offered 5600 but it has 3/4” porting, seems not wise to lose the benefit of 1” main pressure and flow.
SXT or XT controller?
What about controller and valve for filter?
Also, can anyone explain please why the two column 9100 is more efficient? Seems it would reduce flow and increase salt use
Any one know local experts who can sell and install...? Contractor’s plumber has never done this.
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