cell core

  1. W

    Unusual spiral fracture in ABS cell core pipe

    The attached image is a piece of ABS that drains a sink in a motorhome. It drains to a waste tank so it would always drain dry. Summer heat could be high on a sunny day, but there would be no direct sunlight. The could have been some bending stress if it was glued together and the holding tank...
  2. hbarkley

    Is tearout OK when using foam core PVC for DWV applications

    I'm relocating my toilet, and as such I've coupled a new 4ft length of 3" PVC "cell-core" DWV pipe to the old line. In cutting out the new length of pipe, I was a bit too quick with the mitre saw and I noticed tearout on the inside of the cut. Parts of the PVC lining chipped out exposing the...
Hey, wait a minute.

This is awkward, but...

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