Search results

  1. davearonson

    Washing machine hose length?

    Our washing machine has a hose that comes out the bottom back, goes over to the sink, drapes into the sink, and is then long enough that the filter on the end (like a mesh sock) is laying down in the sink and getting moldy. We're thinking of cutting it short so that the filter dangles like it...
  2. davearonson

    All lights flickering when any load added -- normal, dangerous, or what?

    Ever since we moved into our current house two years ago, we've had a problem in that any time practically any significant electrical appliance starts up (such as the heat pump, dishwasher, usually the dehumidifier, etc., but oddly enough NOT the clothes washer or dryer), all the lights in the...
  3. davearonson

    Humidifier only working part-time :-(

    I have a bypass humidifier that is not doing its job. Even when the control is set on 50%, the indoor humidity can be quite low. During the cold snap we had in December and January (I'm in Virginia), it was about 25%, verified by my dehumidifier (and a cheap little humidity indicator). The...
  4. davearonson

    Kitchen sink pull-down spray-head brand compatibility?

    We are looking to replace our kitchen sink pull-down faucet aerator/spray-head due to poor pressure. However, we have no idea what brand it is! The connector on the hose is female, 3/4" inside diameter, 1/2" deep, about 12 TPI. You'd think that would help us determine what aftermarket...
  5. davearonson

    Tightening Grohe Ladylux Plus

    I have a Grohe Ladylux Plus (I think) kitchen faucet, which has gotten a bit loose on the countertop. Some documentation I found on the web, implies that I need to remove the neck and tighten a nut in there. However, I've found absolutely nothing on how to remove the neck! Any clues, please...
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