Taylor Love
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  • Hi.
    I am putting in a corner shower that is on same side as load bearing beam in basement. I need to run hot and cold lines into studs of wall but how do i go through the center load beam. The shower is loacated at the outside wall of the house

    Where is the Donate Button ?

    Do you take Paypal ?

    I would like to send you some money for your great work.

    Nice Job, Keep it up.

    • Like
    Reactions: Taylor Love
    Taylor Love
    Taylor Love
    Oh wow, really? Hey, that would be cool. :D My Paypal is LumenGaming@gmail.com if you're still around.
    Let me know if you have any suggestions for site improvement.
    Taylor Love
    Taylor Love
    Sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to implement all of those. Subtitles in resources, maybe. Not sure about subtitles for posts. The text jumping around? Could be from copying and pasting different text, or it could be from accidentally mousing over text size and scrolling. Try setting the formatting again with the editor. I haven't had that resize issue yet.
    Taylor Love
    Taylor Love
    I'm a bit hesitant to do any edits to the core of the editor. I might be making some changes to the resource system though, as it feels kind of clunky to me right now. I'll either turn it into an article thing, or a wiki thing.
    Taylor Love
    Taylor Love
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