Recent content by Eviveiro

  1. Eviveiro

    Replacing main shutoff and PRV

    So it took me more than a week to do all this work in my free time. Soil here is extremely tough and rocky so digging took me the longest. The pipes are anywhere from the same depth of the original piping to an inch deeper now. I went all the way back to the city meter, where apparently there...
  2. Eviveiro

    Replacing main shutoff and PRV

    I figured as much. That is about as deep as the original pipe running to the house. I finished pulling up the sod. There is actually a section at the end that reduces from 1" pvc to 3/4" pvc, then at the back of the garage attaches back to 1" copper pipe which goes to the water softener...
  3. Eviveiro

    Replacing main shutoff and PRV

    I think I understand what was done now. It seems this is what the plumber who installed the water softener did. So they dug a fairly shallow trench all the way up to the back of the garage and went into the wall to the water softener, from there they had a second pipe go all the way back to the...
  4. Eviveiro

    Replacing main shutoff and PRV

    There is only this one valve, shutting it off does cut water off to the entire property. The house has a decline toward the street. The piping around the valve box area does seem to be buried somewhat shallow, not sure if it is this same shallow depth up to the house.
  5. Eviveiro

    Replacing main shutoff and PRV

    the black fittings are more so grey, which makes me think this was a DIY/handyman fix and they used a conduit adapter instead of a regular PVC adapter.
  6. Eviveiro

    Replacing main shutoff and PRV

    Yeah, I was thinking they fixed a break, but then that elbow on the pipe in the back looping back confused me. I was expecting to see somewhere they cut it and that they just left the old pipe behind.
  7. Eviveiro

    Replacing main shutoff and PRV

    I am in the process of changing the PRV and the main shutoff in my front yard. There was a valve box removed, which I am replacing with a larger one . Does the existing plumbing look strange? There appears to be another pipe next to the main line, which just loops back under the pipe. Why would...
  8. Eviveiro

    Laundry Room Renovation.

    Yeah this is an interior wall, what is weirder is the dryer exhaust follows the joist like you see then has another 90 degree elbow that goes up and out through the roof. I'm sure it needs a good cleaning right now. Not sure if there's is better way to vent the exhaust. maybe change the 90...
  9. Eviveiro

    Laundry Room Renovation.

    Thanks this helps. I think I will have the stacked setup on the left. The dryer exhaust and gas line will be moved up to accommodate the waste line. The softener pipe comes down the garage wall and then into the room so I can easily have it come through the wall higher and then into the box as...
  10. Eviveiro

    Laundry Room Renovation.

    Hello, Texas resident here. Recently became a first time home owner. I'm looking to renovate my laundry room and would like to hear you alls opinion/advice. We are looking to change our set up from a side by side washer and dryer to stacked set up and add a utility sink. There is a PVC pipe...