Kinetico Waterplant works on 1 side only

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I must admit I was getting a bit frustrated after rebuilding this unit 4 times today. Luckily this site put me in touch with Skip of SWS Systems, and he was amazingly helpful. I think I could rebuild this unit in my sleep already. The strange thing is that the unit was not the problem, when it came to my latest issue. It wasn't running because my drain line was plugged. The sediment brought up by my new well pump plugged the remaining holes in the line I put in 23 years ago. I dug another 100' trench today and will put in a new drain line. My trees could use the extra water during this drought. The funny thing is it rained the entire time I was digging the trench, today. I'll never figure out this weather.

As far as my original issue of only one side working, that is no longer an issue. I can't say for sure what caused it, but I believe it is one of two possible issues. One of the checkballs was coated in silicone lubricant, so was sticking, and the checkball seals were coated with calcium or potassium. After cleaning these two issues, both sides run properly.

Thanks Skip!!!!


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Skip, I think my emails might be ending up in your spam folder. Please check that and then get back with me. Thank you.


Aspiring Old Fart, EE, computer & networking geek
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Hansville, Washington
FWIW, I didn't get any notifications from this site, and lost a lot of incoming e-mails, back when Verizon's junk filter was turned on. I eventually turned that off, and rely on Thunderbird's spam filter, plus some explicit rules I've defined, so I now see every e-mail addressed to me. The alleged spam appears in my Junk folder, and while it does take a minute or so to scan through it and rescue the legitimate stuff, it's a fascinating exercise; about 50% of all incoming mail is pure crap. I think all ISPs are much more aggressive at filtering these days, and filter out some good stuff, but still miss some really bad stuff.
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