Answering the title comment only, my observations have been that the very rich and the very poor tend to be blue, but the middle class tends to be red.
John, I think people (majority of the popular vote) are disgusted how this country was headed.
A country without a border is no longer a country.
Taking care of "citizens first" is not such a terrible idea. Doing some type of background check as to who is entering is also a good idea.
Fidel Castro was an awesome man. He had a huge prison population that was draining his country's resources.
So, like any decent leader he found a way to reduce expenses by opening the jails and prisons and sending them to Florida along with other boat people.
Now we have an uncontrolled border that Nancy Pelosi said was "raciest",,,, but placing a fence around her home and around Washinton is somehow humane.
NYC spent
New York City has spent billions of dollars on the migrant crisis, including:
Fiscal Year 2023: $1.45 billion
Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024: $4.88 billion
Projected spending through Fiscal Year 2025: $12 billion
Projected cost over three years: $10 billion
Yet we have homeless veterans, substandard city housing (Migrants are in 5-star hotels) and inner-city schools have a lot to be desired.
Plus cutting police funding while invaders have taken over certain areas placing the poor citizens around them in jeopardy.
In the meantime, to help with finances the mayor in his wisdom has a commuter tax punishing taxis who in turn have a surcharge on riders and on working vans plumbers, electricians etc. once they enter Manhattan.
People who live in Manhattan had better not leave the area because if they want to come back, they pay a hefty tax for feed and house those who entered illegally which I used to understand was a criminal.
I love CT as I drive along route 7 following the Housatonic River to great Barrington MA and up to Bennington VT