Sorry been out of service again till yesterday, lucky it wasn't covid, was intubated for a couple of days. Got out of hospital day after Thanksgiving. I just figured how to load photos but I see I need to figure how to resize them to be smaller.
I have a Taco SR502-4 switching relay. running 2 Taco 0015-MSF3-IFC on low. Zone 1 is my upstairs which controls 3 floors of 2 convection radiators in the kitchen 24 inch, Dining room 46 inch, Living room 54 inch and hall 36 inch. The next floor is 2 bedrooms with a 42 inch and a 56 inch convection radiators. Bathroom with a slant fin base/line 2000 36 inch. Next floor is master bedroom with 2 convection radiators both 46 inch and a slant fin base/line 2000 24 inch in the bathroom. Nest Thermostat is out of the drafts on a inside wall where the stairs are going to the second floor.
Zone 2 only runs a family room with a 12 ft Slant find Base/line 2000. Nest Thermostat is on the wall opposite radiator, and there is the boiler room on the other side. Which also has my Washing Machine and dryer in it. the thermostat is not on the same wall in the family room opposite where the boiler is hung in the other room.
I am on the Default #1 which is finned tube base board 120-180* supply and 101-147* return. Right now I have not touched anything but F setting which I put to 90% all other parameters are default. I have been using mostly eco mode till t-nite. Set at 65* down stairs and 66 upstairs. But it has been warm till today. I put the stats on heat and adjusted it to 67* downstairs and 68 upstairs. it is ow 69* in zone 1 and zone 2.
The boiler ran for 1hr 40 min between 6-8. Down stairs ran for 1hr 6min 5 to 7:30
My boiler started fast cycled with zone 2 only running , but once zone one cut on it stabilized at 14* supply and 140* return with no fast cycle. I reset my stats for Eco mode and raised them to 66*zone2 and 67* zone 1. It is 42* outside right now. 21mph NE wind. 0 % precipitation and 52% humidity @ 9pm.
Again my problem is when only zone 2 is on. I have short cycle problems. When either Zone 1 is on, or zone 1 and 2 are on all seems fine. Except my return water temp is 140*