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  1. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    Thank you!
  2. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    Here are pictures of the thermostat and zone valve wiring. My son is doing well. He received a heart transplant on 12/22 and came home on 1/5. It's been a long journey but the end is in sight.
  3. Reicherb

    Arsenic Removal

    Attached are 3 annual water test results for my home well. Are the arsenic levels high enough that I need a whole house removal system? I have a RO system at the kitchen sink but I'm being told that arsenic can be absorbed through the skin as well. It appears the media solutions may be the...
  4. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    I was finally able to get pictures of my thermostats. They are Honeywell RTH7600D1030 thermostats.
  5. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    No idea. I'll look when I am next home.
  6. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    Thank you. I currently have battery powered Honeywell thermostats. I'm not spending much time at home and was thinking it would be great to set the temperature back when I was gone and be able to warm it back up before getting home. It's not a big need.
  7. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    2 - 1311-103 (1") 1 - 1311-102 (3/4")
  8. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    I'll give it a try. My time at home is limited as I currently have a sick kid.
  9. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    Thank you. I actually did the work myself with some guidance from the forums. Are you able to explain how the C Wire adapters work? I've read a couple of installation guides and don't understand. Do the existing wires become low volt communication wires rather than just delivering power?
  10. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    The thermostat wires are 3 conductor. I used wire with more conductors between the zone valves and the boiler. That's what you see wrapped. It's a multiple story house. There is not an easy way to replace the wires or I would have already done that. Zone valves are white Rodgers. There are...
  11. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    Here are some pictures. Hopefully helpful... I found some that I look a few years ago. I'm not currently near home.
  12. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    Oops sorry. They go to zone valves. Pictures to come.
  13. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    There are 3 wires. R, W, Y Thanks.
  14. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    I have 3 wires to each thermostat. Unfortunately there isn't an unused wire available. Does that mean none of the solutions you suggested will work? Maybe the nest one works. I can't seem to follow how it works.
  15. Reicherb

    Wi-Fi Thermostat without C Wire

    I'm looking to replace 3 thermostats on my hydronic heat system. I don't have a C wire and adding one will be impossible in 2 of the 3 thermostat locations. Can anyone recommend a thermostat for my application? Thanks!
  16. Reicherb

    Combi Boiler System Installation Help

    Put it where?
  17. Reicherb

    Combi Boiler System Installation Help

    I took out the check valve and the pressure relief is no longer leaking. Everything seems to be working well. Should I leave it as is or install a check valve on the supply side?
  18. Reicherb

    Combi Boiler System Installation Help

    How would I detect that? Wouldn't that mean the check valve should be on the supply/output side of the primary loop?
  19. Reicherb

    Combi Boiler System Installation Help

    What is the risk of no check valve? I can't see how the water could flow backwards.
  20. Reicherb

    Combi Boiler System Installation Help

    I just stumbled across this...
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