Search results

  1. Southern Man

    1/2 bath to 3/4 bath home improvement

    The most difficult part is draining the shower and then venting the drain. You'll need access to an unfinished ceiling below. You'll have to do considerable exploratory work in order to plan this. Its a lot easier if you have at least some experience with previous installations. But its far from...
  2. Southern Man

    Help! My remodel tub surround popped apart!

    What do the installation instructions say? I would think that this thing has to be continuously supported with a tile backer panel or something, not just studs 16" on center.
  3. Southern Man

    Mysterious Increasing Static Air Pressure

    You have to be more careful when working around pressure vessels. You're lucky that water wasn't the only thing that "flew". If someone is going to stock supplies themselves so it is readily available for repair then I think that they are justified on a 2.5 to 3x markup. For plumbers that...
  4. Southern Man

    Remove plaster and lathe or leave it?

    I've done both and would rather not demolish plaster again in my entire life. They used to use horse hair to reinforce that stuff. Leave it there, cover it over and it will simply increase your sound attenuation and fire resistance.
  5. Southern Man

    Help! My remodel tub surround popped apart!

    The problem looks to be that the piece on the left got pushed in on the low side, ripping off the internal connections. These things are incredibly flimsy and need good support behind them. What's supporting it?
  6. Southern Man

    Remember This Rant?

    That's the euphemism that we used. Mine actually worked once. I was doing 60 in a 45 through Winston-Salem on my way to the guv'mint building when this nice young deputy from te Sheriff's department stopped me. He could tell I hadn't a clue on why and as we discussed it, I discovered that I was...
  7. Southern Man

    Dip in the line or "belly" of my sewer line

    What is the plumber's explanation of how the problem reappeared? Do your neighbors have similar problems? You should probably get the local county building inspector in and see what he says. You may have to hire a local engineer to diagnose the problem. You need to investigate what the problem...
  8. Southern Man

    constantly haveing to plungger toilet

    How's your groundwater contamination, Mr. sanitation expert? For our modern composting toilets, the floor is a 4x8 sheet of pressure treat plywood with a privy hole centered in one quadrant. When the pile gets high we unscrew the floor, and rotate it or flip it to get the hole in a new position. :)
  9. Southern Man

    Attaching 4x4 posts to concrete

    From your link:
  10. Southern Man

    Dip in the line or "belly" of my sewer line

    If the seller paid a plumber to fix it and he did, or claimed that he did, then there would be no reason to disclose it. Although I'm not sure how he could fix the problem without cutting out portions of the slab. You may have to subpoena the plumber's records to find out exactly what he did do...
  11. Southern Man

    Mysterious Increasing Static Air Pressure

    A broken bladder would have been my guess as well but I'm curious as to why the "well guy" with combined 70 years of experience (in post 1) didn't think so. :confused:
  12. Southern Man

    Rotten egg smell

    Made my day. [Thanks for the cute smilie, Red.]
  13. Southern Man

    Dip in the line or "belly" of my sewer line

    I'm confused did your plumber repair the dips for the seller and they came back? What makes you think it is a foundation problem? If it was the dips would be under footings only not along a slab. I was an expert witness on a case hear where the seller disclosed that the basement "occasionally...
  14. Southern Man

    Outside Light

    It is entirely possible that two bulbs from the same package installed in the same fixture end their life cycle within hours of each other.
  15. Southern Man

    Remember This Rant?

    I gave to one of those police benevolent associations years back. I send in 25 bucks and they'd send me a "radar shield" to put on the back of my truck. Then they sold my info to similar organizations, who then called me, and I made some more donations, and the process continued. Soon as was...
  16. Southern Man

    Farm house gutted, Plumbers weigh in

    Methinks less drastic measures will prevail. :rolleyes:
  17. Southern Man

    Leaking bath faucet

    A friend of mine used to say that since you paid a much higher price per pound of propane to fill a 20# bottle than if you paid for a 300 gallon delivery, that it proved that the gas costs the propane company essentially nothing.
  18. Southern Man

    Rotten egg smell

    Looks like some are willing to follow that bit of advice:
  19. Southern Man

    constantly haveing to plungger toilet

    Since when is a "question" a "response"? Perhaps you should consider a class in basic readin' and 'ritin'. :)
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