Search results

  1. SteveIA

    1950s Crane Tub Drain Overflow - Repair or Replace?

    Showed pics to local plumber (whose dad originally put the bathroom in the house in 1952/53) and he thought with the lever mechanism seized up it would be best to replace the drain assembly with a good quality new setup. They had to order the parts and I'm waiting on them to get here, but got...
  2. SteveIA

    1950s Crane Tub Drain Overflow - Repair or Replace?

    Doing some bathroom remodeling; tub is a ceramic Crane (I think Oxford model) from the early 1950s. It is undersized from current standard, and due to the novelty of being ceramic and space constraints I want to keep it. I thought the drain/overflow mechanism was mostly working, but drain has...
  3. SteveIA

    Wet vent configuration / distance from toilet flange

    Correct. My understanding is for a horizontal wet vent, you want wyes at 45 or less above horizontal. I'm not saying the 2" goes into the top of the pipe, but being rolled up, the top edge of the 2" hole inside the wye is not significantly down from the top of the 3" pipe. (So say *if* the 3"...
  4. SteveIA

    Wet vent configuration / distance from toilet flange

    What are limitations / best practice guidance on how close to a toilet a wet vent needs to tie into the 3" drain pipe? I'm wanting to tie a 2" wet vent into 3" horizontal about 5' downstream of the toilet (via a 3x3x2 wye rolled up maybe 20 degrees--so wet vent line comes in real close to top...
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