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  1. ShawnW123

    Navien NCB Boiler - Possible to Shutoff 2nd Stage

    I have a NCB boiler that is functioning correctly (thanks for the help on the previous posting) but I have a question about the second stage boost and wonder if it can be turned off? This boiler is heating a garage that isn't being used for a shop. Simply keeping the trucks warm in the northern...
  2. ShawnW123

    Navien NHB Series Boiler - Error Code 291

    I have a Navien NHB series boiler that produces an error code 291 about 5 minutes into its call for heat. Boiler fires, pump activates, hot water begins to flow and the temp readout gets to 104 (which is the setting for this unit as it is heating a cement garage slab). I spoke to a Navien tech...
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