Recent content by soopergrape

  1. S

    seeking most aggressive flush possible

    Thanks, The Caroma seems to be just the thing. Do they come with power flush? I'll be checking out an Elliot's anyway, I'm also in the Dallas area. "If you want to flush a tennis shoe down..." I think I've found a kindred spirit! They are almost that tough, I've got one soaking in...
  2. S

    seeking most aggressive flush possible

    Seeking the Cruisinart of solid waste disposal 500$ is doable. 1000$ is much less so. I'd hate to invest too much into something that may not be a positive selling point to a future buyer: "This here terlet sounds like a Double AA Nitro fueled dragster comin' off the line, but it sure...
  3. S

    seeking most aggressive flush possible

    I am seeking the toilet/flush mechanism with the most powerful, clog resistant combination possible (within reason...$$$). I don't care about looks, sound level, or anything else. If there is a system with unclogging jets, that would be a consideration. I have an individual who consistently...