
  1. Kevin121

    Washing Machine Hose reccomendations

    Hello - I am looking for a specific washing machine hose that I just can't seem to get my hands on finding. I'm looking for a 1 to 3 foot long (max) washing machine hose that has a 90-degree elbow on one end. My hose connections are very close to the machine and ideally I only need a 1 to 2 feet...
  2. Emma1990

    Exploring the Benefits of Respiratory Airline Hoses - Real Customer Feedback

    Hey fellow plumbing enthusiasts! I wanted to kick off a discussion about an important topic that often doesn't get as much attention as pipes and faucets - Respiratory Airline Hoses. These hoses play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of workers in various industries. I've...
  3. Kindysmith

    Water Softener hook up problem

    I'm trying to hook up my new GE water softener in my new home. I can hook up my SharkBite water softener flex hoses to my new unit just fine, but cannot figure how to attach the hoses to the water softener hook up coming out of my garage wall. There are 2 plastic blue pipes coming out of the...
  4. C.Chase

    WH extra-circulation line?

    Hi, I've just had a crash course in WH's! Thanks to everyone in this forum, lots of helpful information!! Currently, getting estimates on replacing this nearly 17yr WH, Rheem Ngas 50g, it started gushing out the bottom- where the blue meets the white tank in pict-- I never did any kind of drain...
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