PLUNGING IN: Everything you ever wanted to know
about plumbing is on a web site originating from Redmond. `` It's one of the biggest in
the country,'' says Terry Love of Loves Plumbing and Remodel who tells me that in Seattle his clients
want to keep everything pretty much as is. `` Nobody cares if it doesn't really work well.
Water flow may be almost down to nothing and they may shower in the basement. They just
want it a little better. But on the Eastside, everything has to be perfect, including the
tile.'' And Love says the better the home, the better the plunger. `` You can get some
real decorative ones.'' I'll attest to that. While visiting friends on Whidbey over
Thanksgiving weekend, they generously offered me the use of their Jacuzzi. While getting instructions on how to
run it, I asked my host what that was on the side of the Jacuzzi tub. `` Oh,'' he said,
and quickly took it away. It was a rippled kind of big turquoise contraption that turned
out to be a plunger. I had been eyeing it for a back scratcher while relaxing in the tub.
So, you never know. Patti Payne's column appears Wednesdays,
Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays. Call (453-4602), fax (482-6800), write (Eastside Journal, P.O. Box 90130, Bellevue
98009-2251) or e-mail(
The new toilets, the ones that work! Tour of Gates Mansion bathrooms "Choosing a