Looks like we've been Grundfosed :(

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Caterina Platt

New Member
Reaction score
Los Lunas, NM
We built our place in '04 and I hired the drilling company I'd known since the '70s to install our well. The former next door neighbor who had been a close friend of my parents. Unfortunately, the yutz that took over the operations wasn't quite the same soul as the old man. We were sold on the 'latest and greatest, better 'en sliced bread and peanut butter' Constant Pressure System. We were the guinea pigs for the installation and in just under three years, ended up replacing the pump that fried after a short (small tank and a sensor of some sort was outside in a standard sprinkler box and got wet). The pump was just barely under remaining warranty but it was still $750 to move the tank to our garage and revamp the system properly by my now, new next door neighbor who also happens to be a well driller. Strange coincidence. Former yutz who originally installed out of business and long gone.

Over the past 10 years, there have been a few more hiccups and relatively small events. Shorts, etc. I'm tired of water not running. I've grown up in houses with wells and never had such nonsense and trouble before. Today, the bugger is out again. Grundfos CU301 box has a blinking green light (I forget what the circuit next to it was labeled) and in comes my next door neighbor who says it's likely the pump. Are you ...... kidding me? Then I came here and read a bit. Ya, my initial concerns with a pump that runs every time the tap is turned on were correct.

So, now that my cynical view of the world has once again been substantiated.....what pray tell would a smart person install?

I've read what I believe told me that we could keep the small pressure tank and combine a CSV and switch of sorts along with a standard 4" 3450 RPM pump. Is this correct? Is this what you gentlemen would do in your homes?

Certainly appreciate the advice. :)

Disgruntled, light in the check book, unshowered grouchy lady.


Cary Austin
Staff member
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Lubbock, Texas
Well I am a little biased because I am the guy who makes the CSV's. But I have been using CSV's to replace those variable speed type pumps since 1993. With the CU301 box the pump DOES come on every time you open the faucet. With a CSV and a regular 40/60 pressure switch even a 4.5 gallon size tank will let you use all 1.2 gallons of draw down before the pump comes on. And if you use a larger tank with the CSV, the 40/60 switch will allow the use of all the volume cable of the tank before the pump starts. However, even a big 80 gallon tank only holds about 20 gallons of water.

The problem is not that the pump comes on every time you crack a faucet open. The problem is the electronics in the motor and the CU301. The less electronics you have, the more dependable the system. The simpler the system the less likely you will have problems. You can't get much more simple than a CSV.

Here are a few references from some people who have been in the same boat as you. I just don't hear back from anyone once they have switched to a CSV. Even when they use the same little tank that comes with the CU301. It is not the small tank, it is the complexity of the variable speed system that leaves you out of water and money on a regular basis.



