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Katie Zapata

New Member
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Sacramento, Ca
Hello I have an AO Smith 50 gal gas water heater . It is making a noise like if something tried to blow up inside? Like a gust of wind then a boom.. it's happened 3 times. And also after I light the pilot it makes a noise like if wind is going through the flame or like the flame is getting bigger then smaller then bigger ...basically like wind. I am a single mom I have never dealt with a water heater in my life. My water heater went out in my rental home and I didn't want to spend a thousand dollars so I purchased a slightly used AO Smith 50 gas gas water heater for 200$ ... so having it installed I paid 80$ for someone one to come put it in as I can't do it. They installed it said I was good to go and left. Then the pilot would not stay lit. So then I read about it and ordered a pilot assembly kit. It came... I installed it myself . ... pilot stays lit but now I'm hearing these things and can't seem to leave it on ... when the noise happens I just simply turn off the pilot light cause I'm scared me. and kids are going to blow up with this thing. How do I fill the tank up? Is the cold water on the tank to be on or off... I just lit the pilot and that was that . So maybe my install is wrong ? Also there was a 40 gal gas water heater I replaced it with a 50 gas my house is 4 bedrooms 2 baths . Is the 50 gal ok or too big? And is 50 gal AO Smith water heater able to be installed in the home in a closet by the bathroom as my 40 gal water heater was previously or should it be in a garage ?


Manufactured in May of 2014
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Jeff H Young

In the Trades
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40 gallon or 50 is fine. having w/h in house hall way was very common. 200 bucks for a water heater is way cheap 80 bucks to install is way cheap too. if the 40 was installed properly then a 50 should be able to work there too. which one is more economical for you is pretty minimal difference you'll have more hot water available. If you are just a renter have landlord fix it ?


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The cold water input to the heater should be turned on and left on so the tank can be filled. The only time the cold water input should be shut off is when replacing the water heater (or the expansion tank, if there is one). So turn the cold water valve on, let the tank fill, and then light the pilot. After lighting the pilot, turn the heater control valve to the "B" position and let the water heat up (about 1/2 to 1 hour). You should then be good to go.

This reply is short but I hope that it gets you going. ;)
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