Recent content by cbn

  1. C

    Thermo Shower valve temp adjustment

    Thanks everyone for the information. What you said makes sense.
  2. C

    Thermo Shower valve temp adjustment

    Thanks for the fast reply. I was looking at the specs earlier and understood that pressing the override button allows for adjusting the temp from the standard 100 degrees either up or down 10 degrees? But it doesn't look like the handles on either Grohe or Cifialo move past the max 110 degree...
  3. C

    Thermo Shower valve temp adjustment

    Is it possible to override the maximum 110 degree temperature in the new anti-scald shower valves? We were about to purchase a Cifialo or Grohe thermo valve with integral volume control but noticed the max temp is of us in the family likes it hotter....say 118. Or does it just make...
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