Which NWTS Clack setting adjusts brine tank fullness?

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West Olive, Michigan
Do I grok rightly in guessing that NWTS Clack vendor setting "5 Fill = 12 lbs" adjusts how much water to allow into the brine tank? So that "9 lbs" would be less water on fill, and 15 lbs would be more? And that during draw-down the valve simply pulls all of it out?


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Ontario, Canada
Each gallon of water entering the brine tank, will dissolve 3 lbs salt.

The quantity of salt dissolved, will determine the amount of softening capacity that will be regenerated for the quantity of softening resin within the mineral tank. (See chart below)

With many control valves including those produced by Clack and Fleck, the 'Brine' or 'Brine Draw' stage of regeneration, is two stages of regeneration which utilize one setting.

The 'Brine' setting will be typically 4X the amount of time needed to transfer virtually all of the brine from the brine tank to the mineral tank. Once all of the brine has been transferred, the 'Slow Rinse' stage will continue to push the brine through the resin bed, and will rinse away the hardness ions (mainly calcium and magnesium) that are released from the resin, flushing them to drain, along with chloride and excess sodium remaining from the brine.

Depending on the injector that is installed, the appropriate 'Brine' setting for many softeners will be 60-minutes. The brine should then be transferred in ~15-minutes, so the remaining 45-minutes will be the 'Slow Rinse' stage of regeneration.

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