I have been a Toto fan for over 20 years and have only bought those when I needed to replace. This last go round, I got a Drake II with the plunger/tower instead of the regular flapper. I have had nothing but problems with its ability to recover after flushing. It flushes fine, but the plunger stays "up" and doesn't allow the tank to refill. Toto sent a new plunger. Still was a problem. The plumbing place I bought it from came by and replaced the whole tower. It still happened maybe 10-20% of the time. Now about a year later, we are up to about a 70% stick rate. It is sooooo frustrating. It has shaken my commitment to get Toto toilets. ( I always read your opinion before I purchase, BTW) I have sent an email to Toto Customer Service asking them to just replace the darn thing. Any ideas? Do others have this problem as well?