New Member
I had a regional water-right rep come out and look at my current setup, test my water, and propose the most optimal solution if money, time, and space were no issues. he is widely regarded as the best around here by other contractors and companies that do well work and water filtration. the problem is his solution is thorough but requires a lot of space and hardware that isn't possible for another 6 months maybe a year once we expand the house (for other reasons). so I would love recommendations on how to handle this. toilets, clothes, dishes, showers everything is getting ruined or requires cleaning every other day with iron out. there is enough iron getting through that its hardening on the surface of standing water.
Water specs
iron 15ppm on average, tested as high as 19ppm before
PH 6.0
TDS 74
Hardness 0
Current setup (in order of water flow)
well - pressure tank - hydrogen peroxide injection - water-right sediment filter with turbidex - catalox UV filter with fleck 5810 - .5 micron cartridge filter (its like 3ft tall)
what minimal steps and hardware can I get to at least get this under control. the water-right sediment filter is the newest item and I added and honestly, for about a week the water was amazing after install. but then it went back to being orange and smelling bad. what would you propose I do? I know the well is fine and closest neighbors do struggle with this but their iron is a bit lower and they have their system constantly serviced (which I would like to avoid).
I had a regional water-right rep come out and look at my current setup, test my water, and propose the most optimal solution if money, time, and space were no issues. he is widely regarded as the best around here by other contractors and companies that do well work and water filtration. the problem is his solution is thorough but requires a lot of space and hardware that isn't possible for another 6 months maybe a year once we expand the house (for other reasons). so I would love recommendations on how to handle this. toilets, clothes, dishes, showers everything is getting ruined or requires cleaning every other day with iron out. there is enough iron getting through that its hardening on the surface of standing water.
Water specs
iron 15ppm on average, tested as high as 19ppm before
PH 6.0
TDS 74
Hardness 0
Current setup (in order of water flow)
well - pressure tank - hydrogen peroxide injection - water-right sediment filter with turbidex - catalox UV filter with fleck 5810 - .5 micron cartridge filter (its like 3ft tall)
what minimal steps and hardware can I get to at least get this under control. the water-right sediment filter is the newest item and I added and honestly, for about a week the water was amazing after install. but then it went back to being orange and smelling bad. what would you propose I do? I know the well is fine and closest neighbors do struggle with this but their iron is a bit lower and they have their system constantly serviced (which I would like to avoid).