I am re-locating a gas pipe that was originally run exposed in the laundry room, I am putting it in the wall. I will need to use a union to re-connect (The union is presently exposed in the laundry room). It is allowed where I live as long as it in not installed in a concealed location. I will be connecting to the incoming line which is in the accessible attic, in fact it will only be about 3 feet from the scuttle hole. I am also planning on R-38 insulation. The supply pipe is currently on top of the ceiling joists and the new insulation will make it not visible, so I am assuming I will need to make a loop that extends up out of the insulation for my union?
Not using a union is not an option as the line continues on to the fireplace and there is no way to get to all of it in order to build it from the supply end.
Not using a union is not an option as the line continues on to the fireplace and there is no way to get to all of it in order to build it from the supply end.