New Member
I have a Clack WS1 on a 36K tank. Resin replaced 6 months ago. Rebuild 1 year ago.
Tracked down no softening to, I think, no brine draw. I cleaned injector, no obstructions, cleaned brine tank completely, made sure the little ball thingy at the bottom of the draw tube moves around. I put a few gallons of water at the bottom of the brine tank to just cover the grid plate (no salt). connected a hose to the drain line and ran a cycle, backwash was fine, plenty of water, brine cycle had plenty of water out the drain line but no siphon (water level did not drop). Fill cycle does indeed fill the brine tank with no leaks. Confused...
So I disconnect the draw tube and sucked on it and got water, more confused. I feel like Old Man Parker in Christmas Story battling the furnace.
Tracked down no softening to, I think, no brine draw. I cleaned injector, no obstructions, cleaned brine tank completely, made sure the little ball thingy at the bottom of the draw tube moves around. I put a few gallons of water at the bottom of the brine tank to just cover the grid plate (no salt). connected a hose to the drain line and ran a cycle, backwash was fine, plenty of water, brine cycle had plenty of water out the drain line but no siphon (water level did not drop). Fill cycle does indeed fill the brine tank with no leaks. Confused...
So I disconnect the draw tube and sucked on it and got water, more confused. I feel like Old Man Parker in Christmas Story battling the furnace.