Quote Wally Hays;
Another round and round thread but then......... You have the manual from Clacks site for the WS-1 so go ahead and program for your compensated hardness. Can the programming be tweaked to save a little salt? Probably, but salt is cheap and resin is expensive.
And all Bob says is that the manual differes from what you are saying. Nothing personal in either post. You really need to either read more carefully or stop accusing people of posting things that they never did.
Many localities are cracking down on the amount of salt used and some have banned softeners because of it. So "tweaking" salt settings, I say programming correctly, is a very important and good thing plus it is the only way to do it right. And you see no sense to it based on "salt is cheap".... Personally I don't think you know how to do it and you are refusing to learn how.
Bob makes comments like 5 gpm/cuft and then changes it to 8 gpm/cuft, or mistakenly thinks the control valve SFR @ 15 psi means a 15 psi pressure loss at whatever flow rate the SFR states, and when questioned, he acts like you do and refuses to discuss it and usually makes some negative comment about me, like you do. And I was right, the programming was not for his control valve, neither was the manual that Bob linked to and said he should follow.
Here's the latest example from you, I am an internet dealer and you are saying something personally negative about me,again.
Tfhere is NOTHING anti DIY or anit internet dealer in any post on this thread. What you are really saying is that everyone needs to agree with you or you are going to throw a hissy fit and accuse people of things that just plain are not true. Grow up
Talk about an emotionally driven hissy fit. LOL
but salt is cheap and resin is expensive" I guess you mistakenly believe high salt efficiency causes resin failure? Is that what you meant to say?
If so you are wrong.