Can I use a new Toto Drake bowl with an old Drake tank?

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Drake McToto

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Sterling Heights, MI
Several years back, I installed two Toto Drake toilets in my parent's house. They got an elongated bowl in the large bathroom, and a round bowl in the small bathroom, because we were worried about space. Well, my dad has always regretted getting the round bowl, after using the elongated bowl in the bigger bathroom. My mom mainly used the round bowl, which she had no problem with, but my mom has now passed, and my dad wants to sacrifice the small space saving to get an elongated bowl. Besides that issue, they love the way the toilets work.

So, I went back to the same plumbing supply where we bought the original Drakes, and asked if they could just order me an elongated bowl, to go with the Drake tank that we bought several years ago. I did specify that we bought the toilets several years ago, because I was aware of there being a "New Drake" on the market. They told me that they didn't have any elongated Drake bowls in stock, but they could order me one. Unfortunately, I didn't come prepared with any part numbers, because I figured with them being a plumbing supply, they would know what they were doing. Well, the bowl arrived, and it was the "New Drake" bowl.

I tried searching on here, and elsewhere on the net, to see if my old Drake tank would be compatible with the "New Drake" elongated bowl, but I couldn't find any confirmation either way. I then called Toto technical support and talked to a very young sounding girl, who didn't really seem to know anything about their products. She did claim to ask a supervisor though, and they said they were not compatible. I also went back to the plumbing supply to see what they would say, and they told me they would ask their Toto rep. They said their Toto rep said that the "Old Drake" and "New Drake" were not compatible with each other. From reading this forum, I did find that the "New Drake" tank would fit an "Old Drake" bowl, but I couldn't find anything about the other way around.

My "Old Drake" setup is as follows:
Tank: ST743ST
Bowl: C743 E

The "New Drake" bowl they ordered me:
Bowl: C776CEG #01

Does anyone know if I can use the old tank, with the new bowl, or do I have to get a "New Drake" tank, to go with the "New Drake" bowl? And if so, what part number tank would I need? Thanks for any help you could give me!

I also got a new seal gasket and hardware kit that I'm wondering if they would be compatible too:
Seal gasket: THU407
Hardware kit: THU828#01-A

Drake McToto

New Member
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Sterling Heights, MI
Well, I think maybe I'll try hooking up the Old Drake tank to the New Drake bowl, and see what happens. Worse case scenario is I put the Old Drake, with the round bowl, back together, with a new wax ring, and then order a New Drake tank. He's not using the toilet right now anyway, because the wax ring is leaking, for some reason.

Actually, I plan on using a Fluidmaster Better Than Wax ring this time. Any opinions on using that, instead of wax?


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Actually, I plan on using a Fluidmaster Better Than Wax ring this time. Any opinions on using that, instead of wax?
When using wax, it is important to only compress the wax, and not re-expand. Thus you need to put the shims in place, with a test fitting before wax, before dropping the toilet onto the wax.

With a waxless seal, that is not so important. So follow the directions, and things should be good.


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I think as long as the tank bolts line up with the bolt holes in the bowl, you should be just fine.
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