plumbing help

  1. P

    Help with sink plumbing

    Hello, I am having some difficulty replacing the sink drain in my bathroom as well as the P trap and such. After taking a wrench to the joint to try and twist it off, the thing was so old and crusted together that it didn’t budge, instead the whole p trap and drain broke off just under the sink...
  2. Eazyknes

    Inexperienced Plumber / DIY / Need Advice!!!

    I had to redo my plumbing for my washer since we wanted to move it to a different wall. I didn’t look up slope until after everything was completed. I put about an 1” fall over 8’. Is that enough fall or do I need to add more somehow? Pipe size is 2.5” from washer drain then 8’ to 3” vent and...
  3. hanz

    Wye from cleanout

    My cleanout pipe (in my back yard) is shown in the picture below (popper cleanout and relief valve). It has a 5 inch diameter. I am installing a washing machine right where the cleanout is at. I want to connect a wye to the cleanout and use the sloped branch to drain my washing machine...
  4. mrrauch

    Updating 1920s cast iron plumbing in new bathroom layout

    Hi all, I've learned so much by reading all the comments on this forum, but this is the first time posting a problem of my own! Looking forward to hearing some feedback, if you all have time during these crazy weeks! I'm remodeling my second floor bathroom (under NYC Plumbing Code, 2014 - ie...
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