high loop

  1. Hhussey

    Dishwasher plumbing - high loop causing occasional leak

    Hello! I have two questions. A.) I had a leak from my dishwasher years ago, but it seemed like a one-time thing and my husband at the time didn't know why it leaked. But this morning I heard a backup sound from the plumbing under my sink and water was in the cabinet under my sink and on the...
  2. BryceinSLC

    High Loop Drain that Goes Below Trap

    Hello All... First post of this forum, here we go! My dishwasher's drain line has a high loop... but.. after the loop it goes down to below the sink trap and back up to the disposal. (actually its goes slightly above the disposal, then back down to the disposal, so 2 high loops?) Is this ok? I...
  3. jjknob

    Dishwasher drain advice

    I am a recent new homeowner and am seeking some advice about how my dishwasher drain was plumbed. I've gotten nowhere with the builder as they're saying it's up to code and that's how they always do them. My issue is that my dishwasher runs very quiet until it begins to drain. At that point...
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