
  1. Rubenweaver


    hey y’all, installing this hardie backer board with hydro defense and i’ve pretty much cracked every corner, wondering if i can just fill cracks with thinset and mesh? planning on doing that over seams and cracks then regard all over that. thoughts?
  2. Newbuild

    Moisture barrier over hardiebacker board—help! New home build

    Hi, I recently bought my very first new build home and have experienced loads of issues and I am worried about my investment at this point. The tiling in the bathroom showers was not done by a tiling professional and I have concerns about The future health of what’s behind the tile given that...
  3. DIY DAD 2591

    how to waterproof gap between cbu and shower pan?

    Hi all, working on a bathroom gut and remodel. i have all but one more piece of cbu up and I'm almost ready to tape and mud the seams and apply redgard to the whole shower. my only question is what to do when it comes to the gap between the cement board and the shower pan nailing flange. in the...
  4. DIY DAD 2591

    How long before i can walk on shower pan?

    hi all, just laid my premade shower pan into a bed of rapid set mortar mix. how long before i can walk on the shower pan to install my cement board? here is the product.
  5. Ukrop

    What thin-set to use for Hardiebacker board seams?

    Hi everybody! I know, I should ask it at johnbridge.com forum but they don't register new members for some reason... Anyway. I'm moving slowly on my first bathroom project :) And new questions are popping out. They sound silly for professionals but I'm newbie :) The question: what thin-set...
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