anion resin

  1. Njm5785

    Water filtration advice for my water test results

    We did a water test with tapscore (Results: The main things I am concerned about are hardness, uranium, Gross Alpha, Gross Beta and getting the iron down under the secondary mcl level of 0.3mg/L. Should I be worried about the Total HPC? Anything...
  2. UnlimitydAl

    Hexavalent Chromium and Nitrate Removal with Anion Exchange

    We would like to remove hexavalent chromium and nitrates at the whole-house level in addition to other contaminants. We're planning on a whole house filter, probably the Radiant Life Series 4, as well as a cation softener (to remove radium), currently leaning towards Fleck 5600 Econominder. We...
  3. N

    Treatment HCHO (5ppm) in water by using carbon filter, RO and Anion resin?

    Hi everyone ! Our demineralized water system (DWS) has inlet water contain 5ppm HCHO. Our process include: Carbon filter => RO => Cation resin => Anion resin => Mixbed. Whether our DWS can treat HCHO (5ppm) ? Is there any other solution to treat HCHO in water? Thanks very much !
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