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  1. Terry Love

    CI Stack Question

    Removing lead from a 2" hub, I use a small bit and nibble it. Often the first bit snags and snaps. Consider them disposable. Then you can push in a new 2" pipe with a donut and upsize from the 1.5" And then of course, if things are fairly open, at some point a repipe is a good idea. Lead...
  2. Terry Love

    New toilet drain

    You can use a medium 90 there. They make flanges that drop right into a hub end or a spigot end. Or come off the main line with a wye to the toilet and up, and a 3x2 wye on the horizontal for the lav which becomes the vent for the toilet. 3" wye, to a 3x2 wye, then a 90 up to the flange. From...
  3. Terry Love

    New toilet drain

    The toilet could be wet vented by a tub or shower, but then the laundry trap can't be part of the wet vent. Right now you have the toilet on it's own vent which works.
  4. Terry Love

    Lavatory trap layout

    The reducing slip joint washer at the tailpiece. In Washington you can use a medium 90 on the lav trap arm. Is this on a pedestal? If so, I sometimes use a spigot trap adapter. The one above is a hub fitting for pipe. Normally with a cabinet installation, you have plenty of space to work with.
  5. Terry Love

    Sticky Mansfield 160 Flush Valves

    They make replacement seals for the flush valve of the 160 Mansfield. It's a pretty simple repair.
  6. Terry Love

    Leaking Hot Water Heater...fixable? or replace?

    Here in Washington State, the T&P is required. A few years back in the Seattle area, a water heater exploded through the roof of a garage and landed two blocks away in the middle of a roadway. The expansion tank is only required if the system is closed. I still like them though. It...
  7. Terry Love

    Tiling a laundry/furnace room

    The piping to the floor drain is ABS plastic. I agree with Jim about getting too close to the fixtures already in place, that at some point will need replacement and may not be the same size. That part is not normally done with flooring. That's utility room stuff. I would leave some of the...
  8. Terry Love

    Freedom: hauling liquor

    There is a rule about running with sissors. It's called "Don't run with sissors." I alway walk slowly when I have sissors. I went to a football game tonight, and of course everytime we scored against the Oakland Raiders we got some fireworks. Very nice.
  9. Terry Love

    Toto Drake II vs Kohler Cimmaron Class 6

    Black rock? Reminds me of the job in Issaquah on the lake. The tile setter had placed his broken tile in the toilet drain line. I couldn't figure out if it was sabotage or stupidity. I've never seen new toilets come with decorative rocks.
  10. Terry Love

    -Kohler v. Toto

    I installed a new Kohler Memoirs last month. Maybe you didn't see that post. I had to shim the bowl on two opposite corners. The bowl alternated between filling to the proper level and filling part way. Therefore the flush varied. I fiddle with it for a while, but couldn't improve it. My...
  11. Terry Love

    Waxless seal for Toto Soiree

    Gary, I'm letting this one go. I would like to see a few of these in person and use a few to see how they work. If they want to send me some, that would be nice. Terry
  12. Terry Love

    Advice needed for preparing for a hurricane

    Okay, Now if you can run over to my brothers place and check his gas water heater, that would be perfect. He's over in Arlington, just a little ways out of town from you. A 5.9 caused any problems? Earthquake shuts down Virginia nuclear plant...
  13. Terry Love

    Hurricane Irene

    Ian, The funny thing here, is that I always considered Europeans as fuddy duddy's. People very entrenched with the old ideas and that the people that motivated themselves the hell out of there to start like anew were the ones that were never satisfied with the status quo. They moved to the US...
  14. Terry Love

    Hurricane Irene

    Maybe next Summer I should go to Europe. I hear Greece is very nice. My brother likes to vacation in France. I would love to swim in the Mediterranean there. It looks so nice.
  15. Terry Love

    cold water going into the hot water line when tank disconnected

    You need to finish the replacement is all.
  16. Terry Love

    Vespin II double cyclone toilet

    Most people report that the Aquia will flush even solids with the half fllush. You can't tell everything from a picture. Sometimes you have to use the device.
  17. Terry Love

    McAfee's Downed Your Computer? Here is the fix.

    Fix for the McAfee anti virus program that disabled thousands of computers running XP Pro Windows this morning. This morning and virus signature update from for McAfee Total Protection took down thousands of computers. The update causes the antivirus program to identify a critical system...
  18. Terry Love

    Can I change cast iron out for PVC?

    Yes, you can run it that way, or you can cut some cast off shorter from the upper floor, and use the upper wye for the second floor and the lower wye for the pump. That way you are not crossing your pipes, and it will look cleaner.
  19. Terry Love

    Ledger board for a Cast iron tub?

    You didn't install a ledger board? Too bad. Plumbers work from experience, not from a desk.
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