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  1. xxxshiftxxx

    Un sweating close to wall and valve

    That is from an install by a plumber, it was already connected to the stainless and he just sweated the copper side to the pipe from the wall. I am gunna install a Male end to the pipe once I remove that line and just screw my new pipes on.
  2. xxxshiftxxx

    Un sweating close to wall and valve

    I am removing these lines to my water heater and installing new ones. I am concerned with the close proximity to the wall on them and the solder melting on the valve side on the cold water line while heating up that side to remove the cold water line. Can I just wrap wet towels around them and...
  3. xxxshiftxxx

    Different type of popping around water heater

    Thank you for the reply. It is a 2 1/2 year old Natural Gas water heater. I talked to Rheem today and opened a case. They requested that I take a video and attach it to our email conversation so they can have a tech review it since it is violent banging and not the usual popping. Will update.
  4. xxxshiftxxx

    Different type of popping around water heater

    Just ran a test to pinpoint this noise. I had my hand on the water heater and had the wife open a valve inside... the noise is originating inside the water heater... is it toast?
  5. xxxshiftxxx

    Gas water heater brand reliability and Honeywell gas valve questions

    I am by means no expert, but my house has had two Bradford Whites and a Rheem since 2006. Moved into house in 2010, original Bradford White from 2006 got a leaky tank in 2011. Replaced under warranty with a like model. That one had the honeywell gas valve go out a year or so after installing. I...
  6. xxxshiftxxx

    Different type of popping around water heater

    I have done some searching for banging pipes, but was un able to find what I am currently experiencing. My issue is banging in the walls around my water heater when I open and flow some water in my house. I have at least narrowed down when this happens. It is happening after someone uses a lot...
  7. xxxshiftxxx

    Different type of popping noise in wall

    I have done some searching for banging pipes, but was un able to find what I am currently experiencing. My issue is banging in the walls around my water heater when I open and flow some water in my house. I have at least narrowed down when this happens. It is happening after someone uses a lot...
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