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  1. Dennis Hopper

    Well pump cycle limits?

    Thanks for that information, very helpful and will have to consider. I took all of the sprinklers and went from 8 zones to 4 zones, doubling up to have 2 zones run at the same time. Two of the zones running, the pump stays around 50psi and the other 2 have it running at 40psi, maybe even a...
  2. Dennis Hopper

    Well pump cycle limits?

    So is there something else I can use to do the same thing as a CSV in my situation? Just wanted to extend the pump life as much as possible if I can. I hooked up two zones to one on my sprinklers, will be trying it tomorrow to see if it can keep the pump cycle on. Thanks for the answers, you've...
  3. Dennis Hopper

    Well pump cycle limits?

    Yeah, I think I'll try converting two zones into one first and see how it functions. I hate the idea of replacing all the sprinkler heads as over the years I've gotten about 5 different head types. I've replaced a few with better heads but didn't know that this would be an issue until now.... :)
  4. Dennis Hopper

    Well pump cycle limits?

    So my pump is model# 10WA15S4-#w230 10GPM 17STG stainless 1-1/2hp 3 wire 230v pump. The well depth and pump depth was all scratched out on the label. Installed in 2012 outside of that I have no more information. Suggestions and can I use a CSV?
  5. Dennis Hopper

    Well pump cycle limits?

    I'm pretty sure that info is on the electrical box on the wall next to the expansion tank. I'll take a look later.
  6. Dennis Hopper

    Well pump cycle limits?

    So based on the parameters I mentioned in my first post what CSV would I need. Watching the video it seems I'd need a 50psi CSV. I'm also about yo change out the whole system valve, pressure switch, new whole house filter, Gauge, etc because I had a small leak, so it would be great timing. Where...
  7. Dennis Hopper

    Well pump cycle limits?

    The other zones seem to be fine. I worry that the pump is running to long without getting up to pressure cut off.
  8. Dennis Hopper

    Well pump cycle limits?

    So I have a submersible pump, about 450 ft down. I have an ws252 wellxtrol tank. Pressure switch on and off 40-60. So when watering the lawn the pump cycles on for about five minutes and cycles off for about 1 minute. This goes on as long as the sprinklers are running. However I just install a...
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