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  1. kwolfe19

    Navien 240A not getting generating very hot water

    My suggestion was not meant to be a permanent one, more of a test to see if swapping out the check valve will be likely to fix the problem. Also, even though you can/will end up with "cold water sandwich" behavior in this mode, at least your shower will be hot while you wait for your replacement...
  2. kwolfe19

    Navien 240A not getting generating very hot water

    So I replaced the check valve and everything is working great now. Super easy fix, took about 15 minutes total and that was with explaining to my kid what I was doing. In terms of diagnosing the problem, I thought I'd leave this here for others in case my explanation is helpful. To figure out...
  3. kwolfe19

    Navien 240A not getting generating very hot water

    Thank you for your reply. Earlier today I ordered 1 flow sensor and 2 check valves. They’ll show up tomorrow. I’ll try to replace the check valve first and hopefully that will do the trick. Then I’ll have the other items in reserve. I hope it works!
  4. kwolfe19

    Navien 240A not getting generating very hot water

    I'm trying to diagnose what is going on with my Navien 240A hot water heater running on natural gas. We've had it for about 6 years, and it's worked fine up until now. It gets descaled each year with vinegar and the filters get cleaned (air and cold water intake). Yesterday my family complained...
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