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  1. Blamus

    I got some shitty water! Whole house RO recommendations?

    I would LOVE to get in touch with the manufacturers. Please let me know which companies you would recommend. The truth is, any local company general quoted me double what the online retailers quoted me. So far I have tried rocky mountain water conditioning out of Longmont. Kinetico's Denver...
  2. Blamus

    AIO with Ozone VS Hydrogen Peroxide for rotten egg smell and SRB?

    I will always prefer a lower maintenance system that does not require periodically adding consumable chemicals, so I'd prefer the ozone system, but the companies are recommending H2O2 systems, but won't tell me why. Is Ozone ineffective for H2S? I do not know the conc of H2S yet. Is it stupid...
  3. Blamus

    I got some shitty water! Whole house RO recommendations?

    But they get to rinse off afterwards!! Imagine being caked in Epsom salt permanently......
  4. Blamus

    I got some shitty water! Whole house RO recommendations?

    I would love to skip the whole house RO but I can't imagine bathing in all that sulfate...... And deposits all over my appliances and sinks. Maybe even shorten the life of my water heater and washing machine. You don't think it's a problem? My sulfate concentration is through the roof!. And, I...
  5. Blamus

    I got some shitty water! Whole house RO recommendations?

    800' well, in foothills just outside boulder CO. which manufacturer/brand has the best customer service and after sales support? I plan on installing the system "inhouse", i.e. myself, but also have a plumber and well service company if I need it. I have had quotes from reverse osmosis...
  6. Blamus

    Can I use IBC tanks as permanent water storage?

    Glad to not do a storage tank before RO (I think I thought I needed one at one point when I thought I had a low yield well, but recent investigations suggest I have enough water in the well) For the storage tank after RO, What do you mean by the storage tank being open to the atmosphere? I...
  7. Blamus

    Can I use IBC tanks as permanent water storage?

    I have a well with brackish water and will be installing a whole house RO system. So should I plan for a storage tank before the RO system? I assume to reduce well pump cycling etc. I'll also need a 300gallon tank for the RO water. I see people store water in IBC tanks which can be obtained and...
  8. Blamus

    Do I need more than a softener? Any "do it all" system out there?

    Cuzn suggested a Cation and an Anion exchange unit for the house, and RO for drinking. The Anion unit is for dealing with the sulfate - which is what I'm getting conflicting information on. If its replacing sulfate with chloride, then how is that an improvement? While my well service guy...
  9. Blamus

    Do I need more than a softener? Any "do it all" system out there?

    One of the questions I have is where the rejected radon will go - whether its aeration tank or GAC filter, once its out of the water wouldn't it just be released in the house (and then inhaled)? Surely I don't want that? yet any filter/tanks etc will have to be inside the house, so how do I get...
  10. Blamus

    Do I need more than a softener? Any "do it all" system out there?

    Hi, my well water test came in and I'm a little confused on what needs attention - my well service company just said a water softener and point of use RO system. I'm less worried about the drinking water assuming I'll use the under sink RO. But what about all the other stuff - anything that a...
  11. Blamus

    Dry well....Where to put the storage tank?

    you guys were right! It's the programing of the pump. The dry run protection was kicking in. Phew!
  12. Blamus

    Dry well....Where to put the storage tank?

    Right now i have the electrical cable coming into the house with the pipe. That's what my breaker is connected to. If i need to bypass something, i assume id need to go to the well and open the cover and go find something there to bypass? I assume if there's a physical controller itd be sitting...
  13. Blamus

    Dry well....Where to put the storage tank?

    I do have a 5sqe15-450 installed at 760'. Its in a screenshot higher up. It says the designed gpm as 5. If its just a bad controller and i actually have usable amount of water in there id be extremely happy. I guess i need to call johns well service about this next. Fingers crossed! Btw would...
  14. Blamus

    Dry well....Where to put the storage tank?

    I wasnt given an option for a more powerful pump, but they did tell me its not enough to supply the house directly and i should have a 300g tank for storage. Does this say 4.5" well? Or that's just the casing? I don't know why i always thought it was 6" or something.
  15. Blamus

    Dry well....Where to put the storage tank?

    Ok its super inconsistent. I just waited 2 minutes and turned the pump back on and then another 2 gallons came out and then stopped. I don't get it.
  16. Blamus

    Dry well....Where to put the storage tank?

    Why are you so suprised on the pump model? Is it a wrong choice?
  17. Blamus

    Dry well....Where to put the storage tank?

    I was given the NTL testkit by one of my friend's neighbor (long story) but hes a water treatment designer and he was the one who told me i will see lots of uranium among other things. And warned me against just blindly going with my well service company's recommendation of just installing a...
  18. Blamus

    Dry well....Where to put the storage tank?

    Thanks for the message and direction. The waterline is not below frost line because we planned for it to be a drain back system. I made sure its sloped back to the well and from what i can tell, it works well. When i did have water - last june. And i thought a decent amount, i had 2gpm after...
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