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  1. JoeNW

    Help Needed: Bathroom Plumbing Layout

    Wayne, Jeff and Reach4, thank you. Those suggestions will fit well, I’ll need to check if I’m allowed to use the AAV for the washer. I found a potential issue with the location and drain of the toilet. I was planning to drain the toilet by dropping 8-10” vertically into the horizontal drain...
  2. JoeNW

    Drain/Vent layout Question

    This diagram touches on something I’m trying to resolve, and you mentioned that this is an oversimplification, but as shown - can you still wet vent this toilet as it drops vertically into the horizontal pipe? I may be misreading, but does UPC 908.2 prevent a vertical fixture drain dropping into...
  3. JoeNW

    Help Needed: Bathroom Plumbing Layout

    Wayne and Jeff, Thank you! 0) I'll have the equivalent venting SA of 3" diameter across the whole system (kitchen not shown) 1) Good to know. Might do a wye on it's back, with a 1/8 attached in order to make the turn, that's the same a combination wye right? 2) I hadn't thought of venting the...
  4. JoeNW

    Help Needed: Bathroom Plumbing Layout

    Hi Everyone, I'm remodeling my old house and am not a plumber. I've read on the forums and tried to make sense of the code check book. Of all the trades I've had to do during this remodel - plumbing is the hardest and I have lots of respect for the problems that plumbing professionals solve...
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