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  1. RuralAtlantic

    Connecting brass P-trap to ABS drain, without slip joint

    I finished this project not long after my previous post, but thought I'd follow up with the result, which I'm pretty proud of. I was able to cut a cylinder of wood to slide over the slip join, so I could paint it the same colour as the wall. Now it's barely noticeable, which the wife was pleased...
  2. RuralAtlantic

    Connecting brass P-trap to ABS drain, without slip joint

    Right, I know I could fall back to using a slip join and try to make sure it gets covered up nicely if the escutcheon is not deep enough, but I'm wondering if there's any sort of sealant product that would work for brass and ABS?
  3. RuralAtlantic

    Connecting brass P-trap to ABS drain, without slip joint

    I'm trying to connect a 1-1/4" brass p-trap (for an exposed vanity) to the 1-1/2" ABS drain line. The challenge is that the wall that the drain is in is very shallow (about 2.5") and the pipe escutcheon/flange is not deep enough to cover an entire slip join, it is just deep enough to cover the...
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