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  1. T

    Help. Well Pump Trips Overload. Franklin FPS4000 240v single phase with Franklin Control box

    As an update, I replaced the relay and both caps and the well is not tripping the overload anymore. It is also running smoothly again. I expect the original poster is having the same issue and recommend a new relay to resolve the issue. The start cap measured a bit low at 100 uFD, but the run...
  2. T

    Help. Well Pump Trips Overload. Franklin FPS4000 240v single phase with Franklin Control box

    I'm pretty sure I'm having the same problem as you. Same motor control box and my main overload is popping after/during multiple run cycles (e.g. when my irrigation system is running). While the pump is only supporting my household usage, it has not tripped, but I can tell something is not...
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