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  1. Q

    Recirculation pump calculation.

    Because of the kitchen sink! My first thought about the hot water situation started with the kitchen sink, and having to wait so long to get hot water. I was first contemplating installing a 2.5 gallon water heater under the sink, but because of room considerations I dropped that and then got on...
  2. Q

    Hot Water Recirculation Questions

    I see a thermistor and Radio link under the last faucet and a receiver to shut off the pump is in the future.
  3. Q

    Recirculation pump calculation.

    Because I lack so much data his is almost impossible to calculate, but I'd like some best guestimates. I'm trying figure the cost difference between wasting 4.2 gallons of water that will need to be replaced and reheated, paid for and paid again to dispose down the sewer, vs heating and...
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