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  1. H

    Well pump electrical short?

    Reach4: Yes, my pressure switch has a lever on it, and I crank it up at a 45 degree angle to get water again. Bannerman: I am sorry for any confusion my question in two different threads have caused... I crossed out my reply in this thread, only leaving the link to my new thread here. Thanks...
  2. H

    Bad contact at pressure switch?

    What you describe sounds like what is happening here but I am not so sure if it is equipped with a low pressure cutoff switch or not... Like @Reach4 mentioned, it is so weird that these two things are happening back to back. If the water table went down for some reason, could it be a cause of...
  3. H

    Bad contact at pressure switch?

    I also thought this was a possible scenario... but the added complexity after pulling the wire up 6" makes it more confusing. I grew up in an apartment unit (outside of the States), and this is the first house that I purchased which happen to use well water... So my initial action was calling a...
  4. H

    Bad contact at pressure switch?

    About two weeks ago, my 3-year-old well pump stopped working during the day. After hours of troubleshooting (more like diagnosing) and one technician later, we temporarily fixed the problem by pulling up the cable going down the well maybe about 6 inches and fixing it at that height with zip...
  5. H

    Well pump electrical short?

    My well pump is experiencing exactly the same problem, except it has an additional problem... I go outside to the well pump, take off the cover, and jiggle and pull up the wire going down the well (pulled up maybe 6 inches or so). The pump immediately kicked back on. I used zip tie to keep that...
Hey, wait a minute.

This is awkward, but...

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